Sunday, February 8, 2015

Looking Forward. (Catching Up Pt. 2)

Hello again!

I know I said I would write about what I was excited for that same weekend, but obviously that didn't happen and it is because times are tough right now. I am job searching, getting my apartment in order, potty training a puppy, and trying to balance all of my time and budget as wisely as possible.

It has most certainly taken its toll. So I am taking a night to sit down and write what I have been excited for. The list isn't long and it will end up being kind of a list of resolutions. So here we go:

First of all, I am very excited for Mindy Kaling's new book to come out in September. It's called "Why Not Me?" and I hope it is as wonderful as her first novel was. Here is an Amazon link to the book and you can check out her other book as well from that page. There isn't art work yet but I can assure you it will be adorable. Just wait. Also you should read her first book, watch all of The Mindy Project, and follw her on Instagram if you haven't already done all of these things. She is just as cool if not cooler than Amy Poehler and Tina Fey so get on it!

Also, I am excited for are a couple of TV shows. Later in the year there will be a bigger post about the new fall lineup, but for right now there are some spring releases I think should be discussed. First off, Fresh off the Boat is finally being released!! I am super excited. I have probably too high of hopes for it, but I am really hoping it is as funny as it looks. It will air on ABC February 10th.

The second show I am excited for is a new drama called American Crime. It looks very intense from the trailer. It could go the overdramatic route, however, I am optimistic. Once again it is ABC and they have been known for some good dramas. This isn't Shondaland though so it may be less fun and more dark than Grey's or Scandal.

A few other exciting 2015 items are Better Call Saul, the final season of Mad Men,  and the Texas Rangers to have a healthy  good season. I hope. In the meantime, I will just listen to Avril Lavigne's new song, which isn't great and Meghan Trainor's new album, which also isn't great. I was wrong about that one. I am sure music will get better. I am not the most up to date in the music scene anyway. If you want that information you should check out Culture Greyhound.

Not focusing on media and looking into my real life, I have to say I am excited to get a job. A real 9-5, weekends off, and benefits package job. I am also excited to take my puppy for walks and maybe a hike once in a while as well as FINALLY learn to cook and spend time with my friends. Every year I find myself watching more and more tv and not really learning any new skills or changing the way I would like to. However, this year feels good. It's been a month and I have already completed some projects, I have started walking the dog more and my apartment is coming together nicely. There is so much to do and once I find a job there will be less time to do it, but I am confident that it will get done.

I hope everyone has had a great year so far and I hope it keeps moving along nicely. I have already had some down times this year and I have let stress get to me, but I am tired of sitting around being sad or stressed. It's hard and time consuming when I could be doing bigger, better, louder things.

Sing at the top of your lungs, you'll feel better.


Friday, January 16, 2015

Catching Up Pt. 1

Of course the inevitable "I forgot I even had a blog" time has come and gone. That's right I recently remembered I had somewhere to discuss pop culture and vent about my life. But now I am back!

So let's discuss the end of 2014 so we can get it out of the way. I was way more into TV this year and so my film knowledge is small and almost insignificant. I didn't even get to go see St. Vincent. I am still heartbroken about that. However I saw some of the big ones. Boyhood for instance is  really great and people should watch it. The Lego Movie is getting snubbed in the animation categories which I am upset about. Really Golden Globes? The sequel to How to Train Your Dragon  was better then Big Hero 6 and the Lego Movie?  This is just not true. Of course the Oscars didn't even bother with it. No surprise there. Anyway, children everywhere know the truth as well as I do.

Onto 2014 television, Jane the Virgin came out and rocked my CW world. So freaking good. Gotham is still going strong but I have stopped watching. It is good and I love Benjamin McKenzie, but it's not my type of show. I absolutely have to mention You're The Worst. This show is amazing and easily my favorite new show of 2014. I have already watched it all the way through three times and I make everyone watch it. In a close second place is of course, Silicon Valley. I cannot wait until April. I am still pulling for Constantine and Marry Me. Constantine is surprisingly good and Marry Me is on the cusp of being something really funny and great. It isn't there yet but I have faith. #saveconstantine

Music, probably the most disappointing category of the year, was typical and kind of bland. Charli XCX is now mainstream and so is Iggy Azalea who I feel is a tad overrated. Hilary Duff had some new singles this year which was awesome. A new DJ came out of Brooklyn named SOPHIE and by new I mean I found out who he was. He is certainly worth checking out. Tay Tay had some good singles while reminding me that she is my age and has already done more with her life than I ever will. Thanks buddy. Tove Lo surfaced with a great EP and a crappy album in comparison. Then of course Lilly Allen returned with Sheezus, my favorite album of the year. However that doesn't say much since I am all about that single. No albums. (Meghan Trainor who will be the talk of 2015.)
Feel free to check out my Top 40 of 2014 here.

With every year that passes there is more and more film, tv, and music coming out and there is less and less of it I have time to peruse as I get older. So this is clearly condensed and whatever I didn't mention didn't stick in my mind enough to remember. Since I did do more reading this year I will suggest two books. Amy Poehler "Yes, Please" and Rainbow Rowell's "Landline"

So now looking into 2015 what am I excited about? Well that post will come out later this weekend. You will have to stay tuned for Catching up Pt. 2.

New Year's Resolutions:
Get a job
Stay Alive
Be Nice

Stay strong it's only January,


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It is all about her.

It's almost one in the morning and I have to wake up in about 6 hours to go do inventory at my current part time job. However, tonight was the premiere of Hilary Duff's new music video for her new single "All About You".  I just had to talk about about this song. The video is pretty forgettable but the song is anything but.

That's right. I screenshot it because I am listening to it right this second. I can't get over how catchy it is. With it's insinuating lyrics and then her falling in love and wanting to kiss him on the beach how could I not love it? The real question is why do you not already? It's been in my head for a month. It's the melody I sing when I am doing mundane activities and decide to sing about them. I have meowed it to my cat on numerous occasions. (She lives it too btw) 
Just listen to it with no judgement, no close-mindedness of any kind. You don't even need nostalgia it's that catchy. 

I had to write about this. I had to put it out there. I hope it infects your mind as much as it has mine. If you hated it please let me know why. If you loved it or if it just bugs you let me know about that as well. This blog is all about me but I would like to hear from you. (You sang that last line didn't you? Yeah, you did.) 

It's all about you, 


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the color change in nature, the cooler temperatures, football, and new movies and television.

 Of course, new films and tv shows can come out any time of year, but the fall lineup is the most fun for television. It is a battleground for my primetime attention and I love it. Some years fall short and sadly I don't find a new show to love. But last year I found Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Super Fun Night, though sadly Super Fun Night was cancelled.

This year brings about a bunch of new shows and I am happy to say I am excited about more than one of them. Last year was all about Brooklyn Nine-Nine, this year it's all about Gotham. I discussed this shows in a previous post in May. That is how much buzz this one has been getting. It makes sense though, with Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Series over and people still anxiously waiting on the new Superman and Batman movie we have to get out Batman fix somewhere right?

However, there are so much more than I am excited about. Katherine Heigl is back and on a new drama. Which is nice because I enjoy watching her, although apparently working with her is the worst. But It will be nice to see her acting again. This is what I believe is NBC's answer to Scandal. I honestly don't have any idea how good this will be. It looks cliche but it could work you never know.

This next show is a comedy on ABC and apparently it is the first Asian American Family sitcom since This American Girl. Never heard of it? That's probably because it was offensive and only aired for about 5 episodes. This new comedy is called Fresh Off The Boat.

The last show is another one from drama Queen Shonda Rhimes. Known for over the top addictive dramas such as Grey's Anatomy and Scandal, she is coming out with a new series called How to Get Away With Murder. Another powerful woman working in a powerful job who tries to always do right but when sex and scandal get in the way she is forced to make tough decisions. I feel that is the tagline for all of her shows.

The final new show I will discuss today is a love story. It looks a little like How I Met Your Mother, but maybe that is because The Mother is in this show. With the angel from Drop Dead Diva as the Ted character and a love interest with the name Zelda I can't really get super into this show. When you watch the trailer you will feel all warm inside and then you will realize that this is going to go on for too long and they will get married at the end of season three or four and have kids by season 6 when all shows go to hell. I feel I have already seen it but I will watch it again anyway. Why? Because it looks super cute.

I am going to watch all of these shows and then some more like the Mysteries of Laura (God I love Debra Messing) and I might catch an episode or two of Bad Judge (Most likely not though) But enough of the new stuff Who knows if we will even be watching it in the next couple of months right? Let's talk about some favorites that are coming back this fall.

First and foremost lets discuss Brooklyn Nine-Nine!! (again.) It is easily my favorite comedy on right now. Followed closely by Bob's Burgers, and Archer and of course Parks and Rec. But I have literally missed Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I have been super bummed that the season one DVD hasn't come out yet for me to buy and rewatch a million times. Just watch and remember how much you love these people.

I am also very excited for the return of The Mindy Project. It is Season 3 and Danny and Mindy are together! Yeah I wouldn't know what that meant either if I hadn't binged watched it this summer while missing Brooklyn Nine-Nine. But I am selling it short. It is really funny and Mindy Kaling is adorable and I want to be her best friend.

The last show I am going to talk about is an animated children's show called Gravity Falls. It might be the best thing the Disney Channel has put out since Lizzie McGuire. (That's right High School Musical you suck) It was another summer catch up show that I got hooked on.  A story about two kids who get sent away for the summer to solve the mysteries of a strange town. It is a lot of fun and Kristen Schaal does a great job. It is now on Season 2, but I wanted you to get a feel for the entire premise of the show not just what happened last season. So here is the promo from last summer.

Television is the greatest and I really hope you guys check out some of these shows. Feel free to let me know what you think. What shows are you excited for? Should we give Katherine Heigl another chance? What shows can you not stop watching? Let me know!

Hope your shows don't get cancelled,


Friday, August 8, 2014

It Was Only a Matter of Time

I did not wake up this morning feeling like P. Diddy.  In fact, I felt like crap and I didn't bother leaving the house except to go pick up food. It was not a productive day. So around 8:30 I decided to google Kesha and see what was new in her world. There are rumors of new music coming soon. Some say a single should drop this month. I don't really believe that though because according to interviews she is still writing and has no idea what will even go on the album yet. So I am hoping for a birthday single in December and an early spring album release. 

However, just the slightest rumor about new music from Kesha got me in the best mood. I felt empowered and excited about the next few months again. This should start to tell you how much Kesha means to me. Well not her personally because I have never met her, but her music and what she stands for. I am sure a lot of people see her as this crazy party girl who had an eating disorder and disagreements with her now ex-producer Dr. Luke. 

I am not here to defend her or call out people who judge her. I don't know anything about her personal life or relationships. I do want to write about what she means to me and how her music and her persona have changed me. 

In all honesty I didn't love Kesha right off the bat. I enjoyed "Tik Tok" but I didn't really like "Blah Blah Blah". Then I heard "Your Love is My Drug" and from there on I was hooked. I mean Kesha all day everyday. This was back when I still used my ipod to listen to music instead of my phone. (Thank God for Spotify) The number one most played song on my ipod until I got Spotify was "Your Love is My Drug". So you know only about a year and a half. I should also mention this was during my indie college phase when pop music was "so generic and mediocre". (Maybe not a direct quote but I am sure I said something like that during this time.) But with a little help from my best friend Matt and Kesha I started listening to pop and indie music. I don't believe in guilty pleasures. People shouldn't care so much about what you do or do not enjoy. It really doesn't affect them.

Since then the love has only grown. A big part of it was watching her documentary series on MTV. Kesha: My Crazy, Beautiful Life does a good job making Kesha more personable and not this crazy party monster. She has fun and most of the episodes are about nothing or little problems she may encounter. (Everyday popstar stuff you know?) But when she is crying because Perez Hilton is being mean or a fan comes to her and tells her how much she means to them we finally get to see her break the mask. Little by little there is less party and more honesty. It made me fall in love with her. 

For me, Kesha has become a symbol of love. Love for others, animals, and most importantly myself. I am no longer trying to fit in with indie kids or trying to fit in with athletic jocks. I have found the gooey center where I actually belong. Where I can freely say I don't like Daria and running is stupid. I like walking on the treadmill while watching Pretty Little Liars and going to a music festival but dressing comfortably instead of mimicking what celebrities wore to Coachella this year. She made me feel beautiful and special the way I was. I don't have to get my "girlish" figure back and I don't have to wear makeup everyday.  I am happy and I am loved so it doesn't matter. 

Kesha has made me a stronger more independent woman and she taught me acceptance and love are all that really matters. Not necessarily acceptance from others but acceptance of yourself. If I could pay her back for what she has given me I would. Kesha just let me know. My couch is always open. (That's right the couch you multimillionaire.) 

"I am in love with what we are, not what we should be" - Kesha

Go have your own Crazy, Beautiful Life,

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Slow and Steady Doesn't Go Crazy.

To start off this post, I would like to sincerely apologize for the hiatus. Between family traveling and cleaning out the house and then everybody deciding it was their birthday; I have been quite busy. I am back now though and I feel I have some new exciting stuff to share with the world.

August is pretty much the last month of summer for me. Obviously that doesn't go with the solstice, but this is about perspective. Anyway, school starts in less than a month and I am looking for a part time job. This doesn't take up as much of my time as it should. I am trying very hard to focus and not wish I had another month of sleeping in and then binge watching television. I am struggling to get up and go to Micheal's and apply for some part time cashier job. This brings me to my topic of discussion today. How does someone get and then stay motivated?

Motivation is a very powerful feeling. It can make me feel like I still can run a mile. (Hint: I can't) Or that I could totally learn how to cook and have fun doing it. (Hint: Another thing I can't do.) But I feel like I could when I am motivated to do so. So how do I get motivated?

1. Listen to music while I am in the shower and sing at the top of my lungs. Yes, It is amazing and it can start your day off perfectly. I know I am pitchy and occasionally off key, but something about singing Katy Perry's "Roar" in the morning just makes me want to conquer the world. I have an entire playlist dedicated to positive energy songs that I listen to when I need a quick pick me up. I suggest you find some of your own.

2. Watch a girl power movie. Some of my favorites are "She's the Man" or "The Devil Wears Prada". The obvious favorite is "Clueless". Yes, I know none of these are "Million Dollar Baby" type of girl power, but that isn't really the woman I am anymore. Movies like "Mean Girls" and "Legally Blonde" are about bettering yourself and becoming someone you can be proud of. Films like that just make me want to be a better person no matter how hilarious or (let's face it) young adult they may be.

3. Meditation. This one is not for everyone. The first two are based on opinions and anyone can do that assuming they watch movies or listen to music. But mediation takes quiet and focus. I cannot do it for long but I really don't need to. For ten to fifteen minutes, I just lie there with my eyes closed and listen to a guided meditation about inspiration or motivation. Sometimes it is all about balancing the chakras. (Like I said not for everyone) and sometimes it is just about visualizing what I want to accomplish and finding the energy within myself to get it done.

4. A strong support system. I am fortunate enough to have an amazing boyfriend. I have great friends and family as well, but in the past year I have come to really rely on Mark. He always sees the positive and can get me out of my worrisome head. I forget about the what if and start realizing that no matter what I will be fine. For example, what is the worst thing that could happen if I don't get a job? I will move back home or in with Mark's family. I won't starve. The world will not end. The point is that the worst circumstance is something I could overcome and Mark helps me realize that.

These are ways I get motivated. Now staying motivated is much harder. In all honesty I don't really have it down. I don't know anyone who does. I can be running around accomplishing everything one day and laying around the house the next. (And for three more days after that.) Here are some ideas that at least keep me motivated longer. 

1. Doing a little at a time. I spread my work or projects out. Starting eight projects at a time just gets me overwhelmed and I go to bed. But if I start and finish one small task a day or break a big project up into a bunch of small tasks I feel much better and I am more likely to continue working the next day just because I feel the progress I am making.

2. Rewarding myself. When I was trying to lose weight I would reward myself with Oreos at the end of a week of healthy eating. Well that was a bad idea because I would eat the whole bag and my good week was shot to hell in a day. (Self-discipline may be the topic of my next post.) So I switched to letting myself go to Marshall's or SuperTarget and buy a little something. This worked great because not only was I getting a reward I was also walking for a good hour or so. This works great until the bank account runs dry or if you are a shopaholic.

3.Keeping the house clean. I know this sounds weird but it is really hard for me to function when I know my apartment is a mess. I just want to lay around in the mess and accept my fate as an unemployed slob. This is especially hard for me because I really am an unemployed slob right now. I will always be a slob. The habit is there and I can't break it at this point. But at least making an effort to keep the house looking nice helps me not worry about the possibility of bugs in my house and I can focus on my cover letter or resume. (Bugs are a problem. Literally, I once hid from a cicada under a blanket while my boyfriend got it out of the apartment.)

4. Meditation/strong support system. I added these two together because they were discussed above but they still hold true for staying motivated as well.

I am not perfect (You read the cicada part right?) and these suggestions are not foolproof. They are things I have discovered work for me. Feel free to try them and let me know if you have other suggestions. I am willing to try just about anything. Being motivated to lose weight, finishing a DIY project, or even just getting out of bed can sometimes be hard and that's okay. As long as you can find ways o deal with it and go on living your life then you'll be fine.

Show yourself some love today,


Monday, June 23, 2014

Starting all over again.

I had plans for this summer. I was going to cook more, exercise more, and just overall be a more healthy individual. Well I remembered something very important. I hate cooking. It is the worst. All it does is make a mess. Plus, I am no good at it so everything just tastes either mediocre or bad. So that is not going to happen.

Nothing is going according to my plan this summer. I have exercised some but not a lot. Nothing has been cleaned out of the house yet and my sleep schedule is terrible right now. Oh and I am not reading as much as I would like. Even though none of what I wanted to accomplish is getting done I am still feeling pretty good. I have had a lot of fun this summer. I have been to concerts, a TV festival, and the Bahamas. June isn't even over yet and I feel like I have been everywhere.

Yes that's right I got to meet Avril Lavigne. I got to see her open for the Backstreet Boys. It was great.

But now it is time to get back to what I wanted to do. So I am beginning again. Cooking is out though, that is a terrible hobby. I busted out my knee braces and I am going to go running again. Also, I am going to start cleaning out the house. Tomorrow I will tackle my closet. I have been wanting to reorganize it since September. I finally have the opportunity. Eating healthier is a big part of it as well. I have been eating at least one salad a day and I am hopefully going to fit in two soon. I just feel better when I eat more salads.

Although I haven't been achieving my goals, I have kept my spirits high. How? Well there is an app called Happier and it is a place where people share the happy moments of their day. You can get on there and read what is making other people happy and it always brings a smile to my face. I share my feelings and others find joy in that as well. It is very contagious. I love it. I have been using it for about a week now and I couldn't be happier with it. HA!

Here is a link to the app where you can get more information. They also have a website.

One Note I have is that I do not take their courses. I have thought about it, but I have not yet taken one. If you decide to take one please let me know how it was and I might try it as well. They seem to be for mindfulness and general wellbeing.

I would love to know if you have any summer goals and how they are going. Tips and tricks are always welcome.

Stay Strong,

- Emy