Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Music!

Hey everyone! Some new songs have been coming out and I wanted to share them with you!
Every season I start a new playlist and it helps me compile the songs I am loving at that time. Some songs carry over from one season to the next and some only stay for one season. Some songs came out in the 90s or 80s but I am in love with them again or for the first time so they are on there as well.  Also, I should say that I don't follow the actual dates of a season. For example, I started my summer 2014 playlist today and well it is still very much spring. However, the summer playlist is usually the biggest anyway.

So there is a new track from Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea called "Problem".

I was maybe too excited for this collaboration to begin with, but I was disappointed. I honestly hate the chorus. It's like this weird version of the whisper song with a 90s melody and JLO horns blaring. Why?

The second song which I am way more into is the new Lilly Allen called "Sheezus".

The video does creep me out. But the song is catchy as hell and I love the chorus. I don't know that Lorde is a diva yet, but she could be. She is still going through that whole "I'm new. I'm not like the other pop stars," even though her and Taylor Swift are already BFFs. And all of her songs already sound the same. Sorry not really a Lorde fan.
Anyway, I appreciate when Allen starts discussing periods. I get it. She is trying to put all women on the same level. "We've all got periods." I think it is kind of gross way to do it, but it grabs your attention and she definitely gets the point across.

Okay this last song is older but you have to hear it if you haven't already.

The band is called 5 Seconds of Summer and the song is titled "She Looks So Perfect".
I have to talk about the elephant in the song. Why is she wearing HIS underwear? That is worse than discussing periods. Maybe I am getting old, but that it is not sanitary.
This song is catchy as hell and I am surprised I am not hearing more of it on the radio. Maybe with more time?

Anyway, these songs are staring off the Summer 2014 playlist and though none of them have been named The Summer Jam yet, you will know when it happens.

Keep dancing,


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Remember Me For Me

Today is a special day. One of my bests friends and her husband celebrated their 5 year wedding anniversary tonight.

(Alfredo and Lila)

They are a wonderful couple and they really show me the meaning of true love everyday. 
My own three year anniversary is on Monday with the one I love. We aren't married, but we have been together three years and we have been best friends longer than that.

(Mark and I)

Why do we celebrate anniversaries? What is it about them that makes them so important to us? 
It really feels like just another day and usually our anniversaries fall on workdays so we don't have time to celebrate them. However, I can tell you several anniversaries of mine. 

Of course as most women I have an anniversary with my cat. This August My cat and I will have been best friends for eleven years. Through high school, college, internships, and grad school she has been there complaining and whining about how she doesn't get enough wet food. She sleeps by me almost every night except when she doesn't want to wake me up to get her something. Her name is Layla and she lays out on in the sun. 

(Layla and I)

My parents of course have always been together. They fight and bicker at one another, but they truly do love one another. They have been together over thirty years. Their anniversary is June 14th.

(My Parents)

Even birthdays are anniversaries. I can't ever forget my brother's birthday. First of all it is August 1st so its easy to remember. Also, he would never let me live it down. Seriously, I would never hear the end of it. 
 (Ben and I)

Why do I know all of this? Birthdays, anniversaries, I even remember days some of my closest friends have been taken from me. (Love you Sheldon, Drew, and Morgan) 

I don't believe there is one answer to this question. People remember things for many reasons. but I remember these days because these are people or animals who changed me. My parents for obvious reasons. They raised me, they created the environment I grew up in. Although we may not always see eye to eye, I have a respect for them and their hard work. They taught me hard work and how to appreciate what you have. 

My cat teaches me that I can be what I want to and not to take crap from anybody. She is very strong willed. Seriously though if you mess with her she just runs and hides and you never get to see her until you leave and she forgets who you are. 

My brother, Ben, teaches me to appreciate things in a new way. He is a music lover and I mean that in the strongest way possible. He loves all music and will judge it all on an equal scale. You can check out his blog Culture Greyhound and see just how much. We love to discuss new music, TV series, film, and culture trends. I always learn something from him and he makes me really figure out why I feel what I feel about something and it makes me a stronger person. 

My best friend Lila teaches me to stay strong in what I believe and never let people push me around. She has the strongest faith of anyone I know. Because of that she has shown me what true love looks like and I hope Mark and I can have as much love as her and her husband do. 

My Mark teaches me how to be my own person and how to not care what people think. He teaches me not to worry and how to just let life work out the way its supposed to. He teaches me how to pick myself up when I am down and how to truly support someone and be their one and only. Yes, he has taught me a lot, but he is the love of my life and I spend most of my time with him. It was inevitable. 

The most important thing that all of the people mentioned and a few others not mentioned and Layla the cat have taught me though is that I should love myself. That isn't the easiest lesson to learn for anyone and to have so many people constantly make me feel worth it is the greatest feeling of all. That is why anniversaries of any kind are worth remembering. It is important to celebrate the people you love. 

Happy Anniversary Dalila and Alfredo and Happy Anniversary Mark!

PARTY TIP: You have the right to not party with people who bring you down. - Andrew WK


Oh and Ben you are welcome for the plug. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

2 new things

I know I posted just yesterday, but I have something new for you!!

2 things have been brought to my attention even though one of which I already new about.
(thank you bro and B)

The first being the mesmerizing new Avril Lavigne video for "Hello Kitty", It was on YouTube, but it has since been taken down because people have been ofended by it. It is stil on her website however. You can check it out here.

I know, right? It's kind of great. I don't believe in guilty pleasures or being embarrassed for things that make me happy so I will admit I still love Avril. This song is weird and random and ridiculous and not even the catchiest thing she has ever written, but I still like it and this video is weirdly adorable. With her pink skirt and biker gloves, she just weirds me out and still makes me want to dance along side her.
Many people have been offended by it though and claim that it is racist. I can see where they are coming from, but my opinion is that Avril was just doing what her director told her to do. The video was created for the Japanese market and by a bunch of Japanese artists and directors. So I stand by my opinion and that the video is weird and random and fun.

The second thing I wanted to share with the world is the great new app I found. That's right an app which I learned about through InStyle's website. It s called The Find and it is FREE. What is does is it helps you do your online shopping all at once. Want to find the best price with free shipping on those new Michael Kors watches? Easy. you literally need one tab open and on this site. Now you can even do it from your phone or tablet. I know I sound like an ad right now, but it really is a lifesaver. I can't tell you how much time it has saved me already. I freaking love it.

PARTY TIP: Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never be afraid to dance. - Andrew WK

Stay awesome, 

- Emy


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ask Emy?

I don't believe I will post everyday, but I will when I feel I have something to share.

Happy Earth Day!

We should love our earth and ourselves. April is my favorite month because I believe it is the most beautiful time of the year. Whether it is rainy and humid or sunny and green, it has a certain beauty to it that other months just don't have. It's right in the middle of spring and it doesn't get hot enough to remind you summer is coming. It's beautiful and today of all days we should realize that and appreciate it.

My finals are coming up for this semester and I still don't have an internship lined up for the summer yet. I don't know how I feel about it. Everything is so uncertain for me right now.  I am the one with the plan usually. Finding my way around in the dark isn't adventurous to me. It is scary and even though I know it will work out how its supposed to, but I will fight it until I get there.

Meanwhile I am staying motivated and trying to stay productive by asking Amy. That's right. When times get tough turn to the one celebrity every buzz feed quiz says is your soul sister for help. She has some great empowering videos for women on her tumblr and youtube channel.

Here is a link  to her tumblr I suggest you follow along.

Also here is one awesome video to help you feel great today.

So stay positive and remember to love yourself and show the earth some love today.

- Emy

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Welcome to Bigger, Better, Louder!

This is a simple blog, full of information I care about. Pop culture, TV, Music and Film. I am warning you now there will probably be a lot of YA stuff on here. Its what I love. Don't worry you'll be okay.
If you love it as well, then I hope you find a happy place in this blog. I plan on trying to make it one.

I called this blog Bigger, Better, Louder for a couple of reasons.
1. I am from the generation where our parents told us we could do anything and then we grew up and found out that it wasn't that simple. We can't just be anything we want. There is too many of us and too much competition. It just isn't that easy and it was a hard thing to realize once my childhood dreams were crushed.
I have accepted this and instead of accepting some career I could easily fall into. I have decided I am gonna do what I can to get as close to my dream as possible. I am going to be bigger, better, and louder than the world tells me I can be. The possibilities aren't endless, but I'll be okay.

2. The other reason this blog received its name is because that is the way technology, fashion, film, television, and music are all progressing. Obviously, this isn't entirely literal, but it can be in some cases.

3. The final reason is because that is the blogspot address that I could have.

My name is Emily, but you can call me Emy. I am 24 years old and about to graduate with my MBA. I want to work in the entertainment industry. When I was a kid I wanted to be a police officer. But I am afraid of guns so that wasn't gonna work out. I love to travel. I have been to India, France and England. I am going to the Bahamas in May so you will definitely see some posts from that trip. This blog will be about things I like. celebrities, tv, fashion, film, music, travel, and trying to get back in shape of course. Isn't everyone trying to do that?

You can follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and of course Google +. 
Instagram: ewilliams_12
Twitter: ewilliams_12
Pinterest: ewilliams12