Monday, June 23, 2014

Starting all over again.

I had plans for this summer. I was going to cook more, exercise more, and just overall be a more healthy individual. Well I remembered something very important. I hate cooking. It is the worst. All it does is make a mess. Plus, I am no good at it so everything just tastes either mediocre or bad. So that is not going to happen.

Nothing is going according to my plan this summer. I have exercised some but not a lot. Nothing has been cleaned out of the house yet and my sleep schedule is terrible right now. Oh and I am not reading as much as I would like. Even though none of what I wanted to accomplish is getting done I am still feeling pretty good. I have had a lot of fun this summer. I have been to concerts, a TV festival, and the Bahamas. June isn't even over yet and I feel like I have been everywhere.

Yes that's right I got to meet Avril Lavigne. I got to see her open for the Backstreet Boys. It was great.

But now it is time to get back to what I wanted to do. So I am beginning again. Cooking is out though, that is a terrible hobby. I busted out my knee braces and I am going to go running again. Also, I am going to start cleaning out the house. Tomorrow I will tackle my closet. I have been wanting to reorganize it since September. I finally have the opportunity. Eating healthier is a big part of it as well. I have been eating at least one salad a day and I am hopefully going to fit in two soon. I just feel better when I eat more salads.

Although I haven't been achieving my goals, I have kept my spirits high. How? Well there is an app called Happier and it is a place where people share the happy moments of their day. You can get on there and read what is making other people happy and it always brings a smile to my face. I share my feelings and others find joy in that as well. It is very contagious. I love it. I have been using it for about a week now and I couldn't be happier with it. HA!

Here is a link to the app where you can get more information. They also have a website.

One Note I have is that I do not take their courses. I have thought about it, but I have not yet taken one. If you decide to take one please let me know how it was and I might try it as well. They seem to be for mindfulness and general wellbeing.

I would love to know if you have any summer goals and how they are going. Tips and tricks are always welcome.

Stay Strong,

- Emy

Friday, June 6, 2014

Getting Better All The Time

I am spending this weekend in Austin, TX. So naturally I decided to write a blog post. I am attending the very wonderful ATX Festival Season 3. I am doing my best to mingle and be friendly while attending panels and learning a lot about the television industry. Now I am hoping this will help my career but the festival itself has been great fun. 

I wanted to write about the festival though because it is a very important time for me. I have been trying to better myself these past few years and I have learned a lot about who I am and who I am not. I am not a social butterfly. But I am a good listener and that is how I have always made friends. I am good at letting others have the floor. I mean we all want to speak our minds but sometimes others don't want to listen.

So this is my networking strategy. I think of one question on my own. Walk up and ask it, then just let them go on. You have to listen though to prepare your next question. I love hearing people explain new things. Even if I know about a topic already, I will ask them more questions and hopefully learn something new. 

I am a semester away from graduating again so the question of what to do next is constantly looming over my head. So I am walking around this festival with business cards and my ears open. I am starting conversations and staying out of my shell.  This is new and empowering while also stressful and nerve-racking. Career-wise not much may come from it but in terms of personal growth I feel I have won the gold. Cheesy? Yes, but I don't care. 

If you haven't heard of ATX Television Festival you should Google it. It's really great and you should go next year if you can. 

Remember you can always follow me on  
Twitter: @ewilliams_12
Instagram: ewilliams_12
Pinterest: ewilliams12

Stay Golden,
